Invalid argument passed to foreach resp. SmartCachingIterator; array or Traversable expected, NULL given.
File: /var/www/svatek/data/www/ Line: 48
Line 41: $iterator = $iterator->getIterator();
Line 42:
Line 43: } elseif (!($iterator instanceof Iterator)) {
Line 44: $iterator = new IteratorIterator($iterator);
Line 45: }
Line 46:
Line 47: } else {
Line 48: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid argument passed to foreach resp. " . __CLASS__ . "; array or Traversable expected, " . (is_object($iterator) ? get_class($iterator) : gettype($iterator)) ." given.");
Line 49: }
Line 50:
Line 51: parent::__construct($iterator, 0);
Line 52: }
Line 53:
Line 54:
Line 55:
c-Nette.Template/_8a227de0fe7840468f09cb3b74cad07b.udalosti.phtml.php (12) source ► SmartCachingIterator-> __construct (arguments ►)
$iterator | NULL
Line 5: $_cb = LatteMacros::initRuntime($template, NULL, '4851df9cf1'); unset($_extends);
Line 6:
Line 7: if (SnippetHelper::$outputAllowed) {
Line 8: if (count($detailUdalosti) > 0): ?>
Line 9: <div class="top_clanek_hlavni">
Line 10: <div class="diar-spodni"></div>
Line 11: <div class="diar-spodni-text">
Line 12: <?php foreach ($iterator = $_cb->its[] = new SmartCachingIterator($detailUdalosti['kategorie']) as $kat): ?>
Line 13: <!-- <div class="center-text"> -->
Line 14: <?php extract(array('datumOld' => '')) ;foreach ($iterator = $_cb->its[] = new SmartCachingIterator($detailUdalosti['data'][$kat]) as $items): if ($items['category_id'] == 1): if ($iterator->isFirst()): ?>
Line 15: <h2><?php echo $items['datum_cz'] ?> slaví svátek, jmeniny</h2>
Line 16: <?php elseif (!$iterator->isFirst() && $detailUdalosti['detail']['date_hafo'] == 1 && $items['datum_cz'] != $datumOld): ?>
Line 17: <h2><?php echo $items['datum_cz'] ?> slaví svátek, jmeniny</h2>
Line 18: <?php endif ?>
Line 19: <h3><a class="svatek-odkaz" href="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($control->link("Svatky:detail", array($items['url_key']))) ?>" title="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?>" alt="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?>"><?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?></a></h3>
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (64) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 | string(114) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
Line 57: */
Line 58: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/)
Line 59: {
Line 60: if (func_num_args() > 1) {
Line 61: self::$vars = func_get_arg(1);
Line 62: extract(self::$vars);
Line 63: }
Line 64: return include func_get_arg(0);
Line 65: }
Line 66:
Line 67: }
Templates/Template.php (124) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 | string(114) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
#1 | array(29) ► |
Line 117: )
Line 118: );
Line 119: $cache->release();
Line 120: $cached = $cache[$key];
Line 121: }
Line 122:
Line 123: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) {
Line 124: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams());
Line 125: fclose($cached['handle']);
Line 126:
Line 127: } else {
Line 128: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams());
Line 129: }
Line 130: }
Line 131:
c-Nette.Template/_9f56bbd4414fee8bf4afb0c733c70cfd.detailDen.phtml.php (33) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 26: <?php foreach ($iterator = $_cb->its[] = new SmartCachingIterator($detailUdalosti['detail']) as $items): ?>
Line 27: <h3>
Line 28: <a class="svatek-odkaz" href="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($control->link("detail", array($items['url_key']))) ?>" title="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?>" alt="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?>"><?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($items['name']) ?></a>
Line 29: </h3>
Line 30: <?php endforeach; array_pop($_cb->its); $iterator = end($_cb->its) ?>
Line 31: </div>
Line 32:
Line 33: <?php LatteMacros::includeTemplate('../udalosti.phtml', $template->getParams(), $_cb->templates['3909043e16'])->render() ?>
Line 34:
Line 35: <?php array_pop($_cb->snippets)->finish(); } if (SnippetHelper::$outputAllowed) { ?>
Line 36:
Line 37: <?php }
Line 38: }}
Line 39:
Line 40: //
Filters/LatteMacros.php (800) source ► _cbbf338702489_content (arguments ►)
$_args | array(31) ► |
Line 793: */
Line 794: public static function callBlock(& $blocks, $name, $params)
Line 795: {
Line 796: if (empty($blocks[$name])) {
Line 797: throw new InvalidStateException("Call to undefined block '$name'.");
Line 798: }
Line 799: $block = reset($blocks[$name]);
Line 800: $block($params);
Line 801: }
Line 802:
Line 803:
Line 804:
Line 805: /**
Line 806: * Calls parent block.
Line 807: * @param array
c-Nette.Template/_6855bed4536520f753edd5bbf4e703a6.%40layout.phtml.php (138) source ► LatteMacros:: callBlock (arguments ►)
$blocks | array(2) ▼ |
$name | string(7) "content"
$params | array(31) ► |
Line 131:
Line 132: <?php if ($isMobile == 1): ?>
Line 133: <div class="square-mobile">
Line 134: <!-- Reklamní systém Adwave - - square mobilní pod menu -->
Line 135: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="" title="Reklamní systém Adwave">Reklamní systém Adwave</a> - pro zobrazení aktivujte javascript ve Vašem prohlížeči.</noscript>
Line 136: </div>
Line 137: <?php endif ?>
Line 138: <?php } LatteMacros::callBlock($_cb->blocks, 'content', get_defined_vars()) ;if (SnippetHelper::$outputAllowed) { ?>
Line 139:
Line 140:
Line 141:
Line 142: <div class="clear"></div>
Line 143:
Line 144:
Line 145: </div>
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (64) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 | string(115) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
Line 57: */
Line 58: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/)
Line 59: {
Line 60: if (func_num_args() > 1) {
Line 61: self::$vars = func_get_arg(1);
Line 62: extract(self::$vars);
Line 63: }
Line 64: return include func_get_arg(0);
Line 65: }
Line 66:
Line 67: }
Templates/Template.php (124) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 | string(115) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
#1 | array(30) ► |
Line 117: )
Line 118: );
Line 119: $cache->release();
Line 120: $cached = $cache[$key];
Line 121: }
Line 122:
Line 123: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) {
Line 124: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams());
Line 125: fclose($cached['handle']);
Line 126:
Line 127: } else {
Line 128: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams());
Line 129: }
Line 130: }
Line 131:
c-Nette.Template/_9f56bbd4414fee8bf4afb0c733c70cfd.detailDen.phtml.php (53) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 46: if (SnippetHelper::$outputAllowed) {
Line 47: if (!$_cb->extends) { call_user_func(reset($_cb->blocks['title']), get_defined_vars()); } ?>
Line 48:
Line 49:
Line 50: <?php } if (!$_cb->extends) { call_user_func(reset($_cb->blocks['content']), get_defined_vars()); } if (SnippetHelper::$outputAllowed) {
Line 51: }
Line 52:
Line 53: if ($_cb->extends) { ob_end_clean(); LatteMacros::includeTemplate($_cb->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render(); }
Line 54:
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (64) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 | string(115) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
Line 57: */
Line 58: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/)
Line 59: {
Line 60: if (func_num_args() > 1) {
Line 61: self::$vars = func_get_arg(1);
Line 62: extract(self::$vars);
Line 63: }
Line 64: return include func_get_arg(0);
Line 65: }
Line 66:
Line 67: }
Templates/Template.php (124) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 | string(115) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
#1 | array(30) ► |
Line 117: )
Line 118: );
Line 119: $cache->release();
Line 120: $cached = $cache[$key];
Line 121: }
Line 122:
Line 123: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) {
Line 124: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams());
Line 125: fclose($cached['handle']);
Line 126:
Line 127: } else {
Line 128: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams());
Line 129: }
Line 130: }
Line 131:
Responses/RenderResponse.php (55) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 48: /**
Line 49: * Sends response to output.
Line 50: * @return void
Line 51: */
Line 52: public function send()
Line 53: {
Line 54: if ($this->source instanceof ITemplate) {
Line 55: $this->source->render();
Line 56:
Line 57: } else {
Line 58: echo $this->source;
Line 59: }
Line 60: }
Line 61:
Line 62: }
Application/Application.php (153) source ► RenderResponse-> send ()
Line 146:
Line 147: // Send response
Line 148: if ($response instanceof ForwardingResponse) {
Line 149: $request = $response->getRequest();
Line 150: continue;
Line 151:
Line 152: } elseif ($response instanceof IPresenterResponse) {
Line 153: $response->send();
Line 154: }
Line 155: break;
Line 156:
Line 157: } catch (Exception $e) {
Line 158: // fault barrier
Line 159: if ($this->catchExceptions === NULL) {
Line 160: $this->catchExceptions = Environment::isProduction();
app/bootstrap.php (271) source ► Application-> run ()
Line 264:
Line 265:
Line 266: } else {
Line 267: $router[] = new SimpleRouter('Front:Default:default');
Line 268: }
Line 269:
Line 270: // Step 5: Run the application!
Line 271: $application->run();
Line 272:
Line 273: (18) source ► require (arguments ►)
#0 | string(53) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
Line 11:
Line 12:
Line 13: define('RURL', (dirname(__FILE__) == $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? '' : str_replace('\\', '/', substr(dirname(__FILE__), strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))));
Line 14: // URL
Line 15: //define('RULIK', str_replace("c_html/ankety","", RURL));
Line 16: define('URL', ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].RURL.'/');
Line 17:
Line 18: require APP_DIR . '/bootstrap.php';
Line 19:
array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(TRUE)
"name" private => string(16) "Front:Pranostiky"
"params" private => array(2) ▼ {
"day" => string(5) "16.6."
"action" => string(9) "detailDen"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) ► {
"menu" => string(10) "pranostiky"
"oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE)
"oldModuleMode" => bool(FALSE)
"mesicePreklad" => array(12) ► {
"leden" => string(7) "january"
"unor" => string(8) "february"
"brezen" => string(5) "march"
"duben" => string(5) "april"
"kveten" => string(3) "may"
"cerven" => string(4) "june"
"cervenec" => string(4) "july"
"srpen" => string(6) "august"
"zari" => string(9) "september"
"rijen" => string(7) "october"
"listopad" => string(8) "november"
"prosinec" => string(8) "december"
"dnyPreklad" => array(7) ► {
1 => string(9) "pondělí"
2 => string(7) "úterý"
3 => string(7) "středa"
4 => string(8) "čtvrtek"
5 => string(6) "pátek"
6 => string(6) "sobota"
7 => string(7) "neděle"
"mesicePrekladCislo" => array(12) ► {
"leden" => string(1) "1"
"unor" => string(1) "2"
"brezen" => string(1) "3"
"duben" => string(1) "4"
"kveten" => string(1) "5"
"cerven" => string(1) "6"
"cervenec" => string(1) "7"
"srpen" => string(1) "8"
"zari" => string(1) "9"
"rijen" => string(2) "10"
"listopad" => string(2) "11"
"prosinec" => string(2) "12"
"mesicePrekladCZ" => array(12) ► {
"leden" => string(5) "leden"
"unor" => string(5) "únor"
"brezen" => string(7) "březen"
"duben" => string(5) "duben"
"kveten" => string(7) "květen"
"cerven" => string(7) "červen"
"cervenec" => string(9) "červenec"
"srpen" => string(5) "srpen"
"zari" => string(7) "září"
"rijen" => string(7) "říjen"
"listopad" => string(8) "listopad"
"prosinec" => string(8) "prosinec"
"mesicePrekladCZSklon" => array(12) ► {
"01" => string(5) "leden"
"02" => string(5) "únor"
"03" => string(7) "březen"
"04" => string(5) "duben"
"05" => string(7) "květen"
"06" => string(7) "červen"
"07" => string(9) "červenec"
"08" => string(5) "srpen"
"09" => string(7) "září"
10 => string(7) "říjen"
11 => string(8) "listopad"
12 => string(8) "prosinec"
"mesicePrekladCZSklon2" => array(12) ► {
1 => string(5) "leden"
2 => string(5) "únor"
3 => string(7) "březen"
4 => string(5) "duben"
5 => string(7) "květen"
6 => string(7) "červen"
7 => string(9) "červenec"
8 => string(5) "srpen"
9 => string(7) "září"
10 => string(7) "říjen"
11 => string(8) "listopad"
12 => string(8) "prosinec"
"componentCookieBar" private => object(Components\CookieBar\CookieBar) (12) ► {
"isDetail" private => bool(FALSE)
"showBar" private => bool(TRUE)
"timePeriod" private => string(8) "365 days"
"settings" private => object(Components\CookieBar\Settings) (9) ► {
"useAnalytical" private => bool(TRUE)
"usePreferences" private => bool(FALSE)
"useMarketing" private => bool(TRUE)
"useMarketingAdvanced" private => bool(TRUE)
"technical" private => bool(TRUE)
"analytical" private => bool(TRUE)
"preferences" private => bool(FALSE)
"marketing" private => bool(FALSE)
"marketingAdvanced" private => bool(FALSE)
"template" private => NULL
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0)
"params" protected => array(0)
"components" private => array(0)
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => NULL
"name" private => NULL
"monitors" private => array(1) ▼ {
"Presenter" => array(4) {
"showCookieBar" protected => bool(TRUE)
"onShutdown" => NULL
"request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(TRUE)
"name" private => string(16) "Front:Pranostiky"
"params" private => array(2) ▼ {
"day" => string(5) "16.6."
"action" => string(9) "detailDen"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼ {
"source" private => object(Template) (7) ► {
"file" private => string(88) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
"warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE)
"onPrepareFilters" => array(1) {
"params" private => array(29) {
"filters" private => array(0)
"helpers" private => array(8) {
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) {
"phase" private => int(5)
"autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE)
"absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE)
"globalParams" private => array(0)
"globalState" private => array(0)
"globalStateSinces" private => array(0)
"action" private => string(9) "detailDen"
"view" private => string(9) "detailDen"
"layout" private => NULL
"payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {}
"signalReceiver" private => string(0) ""
"signal" private => NULL
"ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE)
"startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE)
"lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(7) "FORWARD"
"flags" private => array(0)
"name" private => string(16) "Front:Pranostiky"
"params" private => array(2) ▼ {
"url_key" => NULL
"action" => string(6) "detail"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(FALSE)
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼ {
"current" => bool(FALSE)
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ► {
"file" private => string(88) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
"warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE)
"onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼ {
0 => array(2) {
"params" private => array(29) ► {
"component" => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"control" => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"presenter" => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"baseUri" => string(1) "/"
"basePath" => string(0) ""
"flashes" => array(0)
"viewName" => string(9) "detailDen"
"moduleName" => string(6) "Front:"
"presenterName" => string(10) "Pranostiky"
"dnesniDatum" => string(24) "friday, 14. březen 2025"
"svatekDnes" => array(4) {
"svatekTentoTyden" => array(2) {
"menu" => string(10) "pranostiky"
"searchForm" => object(AppForm) (18) {
"dateForm" => object(AppForm) (18) {
"nameForm" => object(AppForm) (18) {
"psiSvatky" => array(2) {
"kociciSvatky" => array(1) {
"user" => NULL
"backlink" => object(Backlink) (15) {
"isMobile" => bool(FALSE)
"showCookieBar" => bool(TRUE)
"cookieBarHeaderScript" => string(776) "<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
<script> ... "
"kdeJsem" => array(2) {
"detailUdalosti" => array(2) {
"title" => string(7) ". "
"description" => string(7) ". "
"layout" => string(75) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
"template" => object(Template) (7) {
"filters" private => array(0)
"helpers" private => array(8) ► {
"escape" => object(Callback) (1) {
"escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) {
"striptags" => object(Callback) (1) {
"nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) {
"substr" => object(Callback) (1) {
"repeat" => object(Callback) (1) {
"implode" => object(Callback) (1) {
"number" => object(Callback) (1) {
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(Callback) (1) {
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0)
"params" protected => array(2) ▼ {
"day" => string(5) "16.6."
"action" => string(9) "detailDen"
"components" private => array(3) ▼ {
"searchForm" => object(AppForm) (18) ► {
"onSubmit" => array(1) {
"onInvalidSubmit" => NULL
"submittedBy" private => bool(FALSE)
"httpData" private => array(0)
"element" private => object(Html) (4) {
"renderer" private => NULL
"translator" private => NULL
"groups" private => array(0)
"errors" private => array(0)
"encoding" private => string(5) "UTF-8"
"onValidate" => NULL
"currentGroup" protected => NULL
"valid" protected => NULL
"components" private => array(4) {
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"name" private => string(10) "searchForm"
"monitors" private => array(2) {
"dateForm" => object(AppForm) (18) ► {
"onSubmit" => array(1) {
"onInvalidSubmit" => NULL
"submittedBy" private => bool(FALSE)
"httpData" private => array(0)
"element" private => object(Html) (4) {
"renderer" private => NULL
"translator" private => NULL
"groups" private => array(0)
"errors" private => array(0)
"encoding" private => string(5) "UTF-8"
"onValidate" => NULL
"currentGroup" protected => NULL
"valid" protected => NULL
"components" private => array(3) {
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"name" private => string(8) "dateForm"
"monitors" private => array(2) {
"nameForm" => object(AppForm) (18) ► {
"onSubmit" => array(1) {
"onInvalidSubmit" => NULL
"submittedBy" private => bool(FALSE)
"httpData" private => array(0)
"element" private => object(Html) (4) {
"renderer" private => NULL
"translator" private => NULL
"groups" private => array(0)
"errors" private => array(0)
"encoding" private => string(5) "UTF-8"
"onValidate" => NULL
"currentGroup" protected => NULL
"valid" protected => NULL
"components" private => array(3) {
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => object(Front_PranostikyPresenter) (38) {
"name" private => string(8) "nameForm"
"monitors" private => array(2) {
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => NULL
"name" private => string(16) "Front:Pranostiky"
"monitors" private => array(1) ▼ {
"Presenter" => array(4) ▼ {
0 => NULL
1 => NULL
2 => NULL
3 => bool(TRUE)
WWW_DIR | string(35) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
APP_DIR | string(39) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
LIBS_DIR | string(40) "/var/www/svatek/data/www/"
RURL | string(0) ""
URL | string(19) ""
NETTE | bool(TRUE)
NETTE_PACKAGE | string(7) "PHP 5.2"
/var/www/svatek/data/www/ |
/var/www/svatek/data/www/ |
/var/www/svatek/data/www/ |
/var/www/svatek/data/www/ |
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